Saturday 19 December, 2009

the joy..the surrender...

Well..having subtly stepped into the ripples of this vast ocean,letting myself gradually get i feel the wetness crawling up on me..all over me...i touch the delicate tranquility..feeling it seeping under my sole..up flooding my toe tips...encircling my ankle;a whiff of fresh air smelling of wet sand and random thoughts wander off again...i wonder how a simple change in doing a routine thing...can make it feel so freshly fragrant...

Pouring out my feelings i have done before...sprawling them out onto dated pages of yearly diaries...year after year..each year...but as this year prepares to bud into the next blossom..i find myself opening up...leaping beyond those sealed pages into this canvas which never falls short no matter how many million lives and their moments are painted in every available hue..may it be the grey clouds or the cherry blossoms...the smoky air or the tranquil sky...the barren turf or the sneaking rainbow...a baby's toothless smile..or a grandpa's soft wrinkle...and no matter how many times i blot or splash a bit of me onto this abounding stretch of all encompassing universe...i feel absolute joy...
....the joy from surrendering....from letting this "I" getting lost gradually in these everybodies..feeling connected to one and all...just as i feel...sitting on the seashore...with the tiny waves tickling my feet as i gently silently absorb in huge solace from the vast ocean,hurling out every tiny sorrow pebble in return...or when i find myself free on a horizonless vast stretch of freshly wet green turf beckoning my two feet to spring up and flee around carefree as a child...swirling to any happy tune...or as i stand in open..arms stretched ..each bit of me welcoming..drinking in the pouring drops from the divine land....feeling them slide down me...some rubbing my cheeks...few kissing my lips..many holding my hands......even more playing with the child within.....and each reaching onto my soul...and beyond..........and as i look around with freshly dripping lashes brushing my eyes....i realize softly.....the beauty of each its potential of springing up life in every hidden seed........may it be unending stretches of golden mustard flowers or a luscious red apple in the small grip of a smart kiddo...

yea...i realize..this overwhelming potential and hence the astounding beauty lies in each each of us.....just that we need to keep ourselves reminding.....drops add up to ocean.......and oceans spring up..nurture life.......and make our Mother Earth distinctly different in this fathomless universe...

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